
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Random Randomness

I told you I had trouble preparing for posts this week.  
Here's a bunch of RANDOM stuff.
It's been a strange and busy few weeks around our house.
Life with a toddler is fun-filled.  
He's keeping me on my toes! 
B took a fall on Sunday and ended up with another noggin' boo boo.
He doesn't walk anymore.  He RUNS!  Full steam ahead at the speed of light.
New note to self:  Shoes + carpet + running = weekend call to on call-nurse and ice packs! 
My flowers from my sweet boys for Valentine's day were wilting.
I picked out the ones that were still alive and put them in the pretty milk glass vase
I bought at an antique store last year.
Maybe it can be my 'Flowers from Beckett' vase. 
InStyle Magazine has fabulous marketing.
I haven't bought a glossy mag in a while, but the turquoise and coral
colors on the cover helped it land a place in my shopping cart.
Before having a child, I had subscriptions to both InStyle and People Style Watch.
They both got the boot while I was pregnant.
Priorities change.
Can't wait to flip through this--although it might be June before I get to read all of it.
Remember yesterday when I mentioned that I kept my camera set on 'Sports' mode.
This is why.
Talking nonstop.
I can make out certain words but it's mostly whispered gibberish.
He was garbling meshed sentences when I took this picture.
All I could make out was 'book.' Which sounds more like: 'boooo'
Favorite words:
Hot = 'Haaa'
Cold = 'Cole'
Pine Cone = 'piiiiine co' (spoken VERY southern, I might add)
uh huh (his new favorite) If you ask him anything, he responds with uh huh.
(which we quickly follow up with "yes ma'am" or "yes sir")
Even though I know he can't really say it yet, the repetition helps.
This little boy WILL be a southern gentleman if it kills me.
We have a few of these that were mine when I was little. 
Well, I THOUGHT they were all mine.
This one was evidently my cousin's....
Tambra, I have Tom and Jerry if you want it back.
I've just borrowed it for a few years
My favorite.
Where are your eyebrows, B?
He parks better than I do. 
Such a big boy now.
Freeze!  No more growing for this week.
I want to freeze time and keep him just like this.
Still slightly on the obsessed side with Pinterest.  
Running nose.  Perpetual running nose.
He likes to wipe it himself. 
My new iphone case arrived yesterday. 
The ticket to easy photo uploads:
Card readers.
While I was at it, I bought 3 of these online.  With shipping, my order was less than $9!
I can't stand messing with cords. 
Have you seen this mirror pinned on Pinterest?
I know I have; quite a few times.
I marched right on over to Home Depot and
got me one.
Right now, it's hanging on a random wall in our bedroom, but I don't like it there.
It's not huge, so I have to find the right spot for it.

For 35 bucks, you can't beat it though!
Get yours online HERE.

Well, that's all y'all!
Happy Wednesday! 


  1. I'm getting the same starburst this weekend! My town only has a Lowe's and it won't let me order it online. Driving over an hour to get it seems logical, right?? :)

  2. Sweet pictures of B. Tell my how this easy photo upload works. Apparently my usb cord is out of order and I hate cords too....So where do I get this "new uploader" I have a canon rebel xti--if that matters?? Thanks..Just recently stumbled across your blog. Love it!

    1. Thanks Angie. I'm pretty sure your xti takes an sd card also. I bought mine from Amazon but I can't find them now. You can get them at Target, Walmart, etc.; just do a search for sd card readers. Mine looks like a flash drive; you just insert the sd card into the side of it and plug into your usb port. It's awesome! You can also buy multi-card readers that read other card sizes. I've been using one forever (that finally bit the dust) that I got from Target for $5 on the clearance rack.
      I've never taken the cord from the box my camera came in.
      Go get one! You'll love it!

  3. Oh my, I am so excited! Thank you!!!
