
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cuteness Overload

Just a picture post.  Lots of cuteness.  Don't say I didn't warn you.
B is so good in the mornings when I get ready for work. 
It's the easiest time of day.  He sits quietly on my bed while I get ready 
and watches t.v. 
SUCH a happy child in the morning. 
SO unlike his mommy and daddy.
But, at least when he wakes up with a big smile, it truly sets me right for the day! 
Anything on Nick Jr, he likes.  
Especially Fresh Beat Band! 
Some family friends joined us at the beach for the PGA in August.
How cute are these "Pig Pals?
How sweeeeet!
I guess they should be called "paci pals" 
My friend Lauren brought her little girl over to the beach house where we were staying so I could
take a few beach pics of her.
Unfortunately, the afternoon when we planned to do the photoshoot,
the clouds rolled in.....and so did the storms. 
While the storms settled, we let the kids get acquainted.
These pictures were taken AFTER my jealous little guy finally realized
it was okay if we held Anna Wallace.
No one (and I mean NO ONE was allowed to hold her.)
Beckett flipped out and told us to put her down anytime someone other than Lauren held her.
Eventually, once Lauren held her, he basically told her to go home.
WHAT am I going to do with him?
After a while, we made him kiss and make up, since he'd been such a stinker to her.
TRYING to get B to be sweet.
The look on his face says it all. 

Sitting at the table like a big guy.....AND eating FRUIT!!
So glad he's taken a liking to grapes recently.

Happy Wednesday! 


  1. YUP!! You have a cutie on your hands. I am drawn to his eyes, it is the way he looks at the camera!! And does he always have two sippy's?

    1. I ask him if he wants water or milk. His answer is: water.........and milk. Whatever makes him happy! ;)
