VERY little has actually been accomplished but we are well on our way. The biggest feat was tackling the move of the guest room furniture and painting the green room a more tolerable color! We decided to keep the same shade of gray/blue (Olympic Brand paint--"Secret Passage") that the nursery was painted. The bedding already coordinated with the color, plus, it helped keep me calm since picking paint colors sends my blood pressure rising!
Guest Room:
This is the FORMERLY baby poop green room!! I'm very excited that my matching side tables and lamps are now symetrically placed. You may also notice the short attic space door behind the bed. During construction, we added all these little doors to add some extra "stashing" space to the house, but when furniture is placed it becomes a major eyesore. The striped pillows are actually not euro size but are standard size, propped up on more pillows to try to cover up the door behind the bed. Eventually we might paint the door the same color as the wall to camoflage it. Thanks so much to my mother, who took a day of her vacation painting this room while I was at work!!
Beckett's Room:
Pardon the bad lighting. I'm working on the lighting situation in here....
These are my major cheapo drapes that I glued (yes, I fabric glued them).
I loved the look of the brown edged drapes at Restoration Hardware but refused to pay $99+/panel. These came from Tarjay ($27.99/pair) and the ribbon came from Joanns (around $8). The curtain rod was a whopping $9.99 at Hobby Lobby.
This is the other cheap-o window treatment. The valance also came from Tarjay ($9.99). I added the ribbon.
The cute white chest is a loaner from my mother-in-law and the lamp (found by my mom and aunt) came from TJs.
When Chad's parent's moved a few months ago, his mom sent us home with a huge trunk of his childhood things. This little ship in a bottle is perfect for Beckett's room and melts my heart that it was also Chad's when he was a little boy.
The drum pendant that my husband promises to install soon.
Cute buoys (TJs of course!)
Sweet diaper bag from Chad's mom!! I can't wait to use it!
Rope block was a find from my mom at T.J.'s
This hamper was actually the first thing I bought for the nursery. (Ross)
Look at those cute little clothes!!!!!! These are just a few that we have gotten from Aunt Amy, Kayleen, and of course, mommy!
The chest on the left is another loaner from my MIL. I found the lettered knobs at Hobby Lobby--seven drawers and seven letters!! Perfecto!
This little rocker was mine when I was a little girl and was a gift from my Pa. It will be getting a coat of paint and a new owner pretty soon....
Another T.J. Maxx find from mama.
These are from Hobby Lobby but will soon get a coat of white paint and a place on the wall over the crib.
More to come.....stay tuned!!!
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