Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Parties, Showers and Other Stuff

If you happen to make it to the bottom of this post and read the whole thing, you deserve an
award.  There is plenty to share, so bare with me. 
If you care nothing about my narration of what happens everyday in
Beckettland, feel free to scroll on down the page.
I promise I won't judge you!
 I know I share every detail of
his growth and development and not everybody cares when he had his last poopie
(speaking of poopies....I will never, ever, ever buy Huggies again.  I'm not going into detail,
but I've spent more time cleaning up things outside of his diaper than I back to
pampers we go.  And Luvs--you'd be better off with some scotch tape and a paper towel. 
 Ok rambling....)

So, if your'e still reading and are in suspense...

We got a new car a few weeks ago.  I love it but HATE filling it up with gas! 
It's pretty hard going from a Honda Accord to a V8 SUV, but we desperately
needed the room and all the safety features it offered.
Beckett wanted to help daddy wash it.
I know you're probably scratching your head thinking, 'why is that child always in
the walker?'
'will he ever walk on his own or do they ever let him play anywhere else?'
The truth is, he actually loves it and will play in it while I get things done around this house--
which is priceless considering there's always something to get done.  I need a
housekeeper.  and to win the lottery.  and a yard man. and a pedicure....

In other news:
Mr. B is now 7 months old, has cut his first tooth and
has started crawling!!!
Hopefully (in my nonexistent spare time) I can get some videos to share. 

Molly Catherine Hane turned 3 a few weeks ago and we took Beckett to her birthday party
at the lake house.  We all had such a great time catching up with everybody and Beckett had
a blast.  There were so many kids to entertain him! 

Mrs. Cathy has the most beautiful hydrandgeas all over the yard.  They are enormous and are along
every path and walkway.  I'm so envious!

We still haven't mastered the sippy cup.  Once he tastes the water we put in it, it usually gets thrown.

They really have the right idea with the birthday parties.  Two inflatable slides
(one with a climbing wall) and a kiddie pool for the kids to play in.  Everyone had a blast
and they just ordered pizza for everyone!  No frills-- just loads of fun for all the kiddos!
I even got to see the triplets (well, 2 out of 3, Holden was sick).  I can't get over how tall
Sarah Nell has gotten since I saw her last!

Lots of bubble fun!
Elizabeth Shay checking out her future boyfriend ;)

Again with the walker....

Eyelashes galore!

Could this child look any more like his daddy?  Last night I asked Chad (as Beckett was
snoring so loud he could have sucked the paint off the walls) if there was even a smidgen
of me in this child?  Chad's reply: "Oh yeah.... he's stubborn as hell, just like his mommy."
Thanks honey.

He's started to really notice the camera that is always attached to my face.
Along with everything else he wants and can't play with, I tell him 'NO' very sternly
and all I get is a goofy laugh in return.

Last Sunday I attended a baby shower for one of my besties, Kayleen.  She's due in
the next few weeks and I'm so excited about meeting her new little boy Weston!

Danielle and Kayleen


The annual 'old roomate' pic

Here'e the beautiful mommy to be!  Now why couldn't I look this glamorous weeks before I give birth??
Life just isn't fair...


  1. You did look glamorous and look amazing now.
    the pictures are awesome, hope I can do this well when my new lens gets here. Love you KFox

  2. Thank you sweet friend, I really can't wait to hold that little 'kicker'!!! Only a few more weeks!
